Author name: jenish

Help articles

Change password and add multiple users for Kasplo Reviews

Change password and add multiple users for Kasplo reviews In this article Step 1: Access the teammates page Step 2: Change the password of the app Step 3: Add multiple users You will learn: Learn how to change your password and add multiple users to the Kasplo Reviews app. Step 1: Access the teammates page From Dashboard > Campaigns > Send Campaigns, then click on Create Campaign in the top right corner. 2.Clicking it will redirect you to the “Teammates” page, where you can change your password and add multiple users to the account. Step 2: Change the password of the app On the right side of the Teammates page, you will see a “Change Profile” section where you can update your password. Enter your current password and new password in the designated fields and click “Save Changes.” A password change confirmation mail will be sent to your linked email account. Step 3: Add multiple users In the Teammates section, click “Add Teammate” to add a new user. Upon clicking, a “Add Teammate” pop-up will appear. Enter the name, email address, and password for the user account. 2.Click “Save Teammate” to add the user. A confirmation email will be sent to the user’s email. Related articles How to Import reviews using Kasplo Reviews? How to collect product reviews using Kasplo Reviews? How to change the look and feel of your review widget? How to collect picture reviews using Kasplo Reviews? Book a meeting

Help articles

Create A/B test campaigns

Create A/B test campaigns In this article Step 1: Creating A/B Test Campaign Step 2: Choose the campaign name and recipients Step 3: Create multiple versions Step 4: Create or select a pre-built email content Step 5: Choose the condition & Seed list Step 6: Winner selection You will learn: Learn how to set up and run an A/B test for a campaign. You can identify which content yields the best results. This enables you to refine your campaigns, increase engagement, and improve the effectiveness of your email campaigns. How it works In A/B testing you can create multiple versions of your campaign with different content or elements such as subject lines, from email addresses, from names, reply-to emails, and email templates. Send these variations to a randomly selected subset of your audience. Compare performance metrics like open rates and conversions to identify the most effective version. Step 1: Creating A/B Test Campaign From Dashboard > Campaigns > Send Campaigns, then click on Create Campaign in the top right corner. 2.You’ll see two options: Regular and A/B Testing. Choose Regular to build a normal campaign, or A/B Testing to test different campaign variations. 3. Click on the “CREATE” button of the A/B test option. Step 2: Choose the campaign name and recipients You’ll be redirected to the “Create Campaign” page where you can build and test A/B campaigns. Follow these steps to create one: Campaign Name: Name your campaign. List Name: Select the list you want to target. Segment Name: Select the segment you want to target. Note: > You must select a segment or list to send a campaign.                         > From the selected list or segment, the contacts for the A/B test will be distributed evenly among the versions, with the following split details: A & B – 5% each A, B & C – 4% each A, B, C & D – 3% each A, B, C, D & E – 2% each Step 3: Create multiple versions Create multiple versions of your campaign with different subject lines and content to analyze the best-performing elements. Follow these steps: Add as many versions as you want to test (You can add up to 5 versions from A to E). Subject Line: The introduction your contacts will see before opening the email. (Use a different subject line for each version). From Name: The sender name you want your email to be delivered with. From Email Name: The name is displayed when the email is opened. From Email: The email address your recipients will see in the FROM field. Ensure it looks professional and represents your business, e.g., or Reply To: Add a different reply-to email address if you want responses to go to a different inbox.  Step 4: Create or select a pre-built email content From three options: Templates, Drag & Drop Editor, and HTML Editor. Choose different content for each version. Templates: Select a pre-built template from the available list. Drag and Drop Editor: Create an email from scratch by dragging and dropping elements. (Note: You can also build an AMP email template using the widgets marked .⚡) HTML Editor: Design an email template from scratch using HTML or paste your code to create it. (Note: Use the AMP Editor in the top right corner to build an AMP email template in this editor.) Step 5: Choose the condition & Seed list Condition: Choose how the winning campaign should be determined from the “How should the winner be chosen?” options. For example, “After 20 hours, the system will check which version has the highest number of clicks.” Seed List: A logic that sends a copy of the campaign to a specific list provided by the admin for reference. Review the campaign thoroughly, then click “Send Test.” Step 6: Winner selection The variation that achieves the highest result based on your specified condition will be selected as the winner and can be sent to the rest of your subscribers. Once a winner is chosen, its name will appear in the A/B test settings. Related articles How to Import reviews using Kasplo Reviews? How to collect product reviews using Kasplo Reviews? How to change the look and feel of your review widget? How to collect picture reviews using Kasplo Reviews? Book a meeting

Help articles

 Create and send an email campaign

Create and send an email campaign In this article Step 1: Build a new email campaign Step 2: Choose the campaign name and recipients Step 3: Create or select a pre-built email content Step 4: Create the subject line and From address Step 5: Send or Schedule the campaign Step 6: Manage campaigns You will learn: Learn about how to create and send an email campaign using Kasplo. Before you begin Before you start sending, do the following things: Create a list or segment of engaged subscribers. Craft a stunning email template. Step 1: Build a new email campaign To create an email campaign, go to Dashboard > Campaigns > Send Campaigns, then click on “Create Campaign” in the top right corner. 2.You’ll see two options: Regular and A/B Testing. Choose Regular to build a normal campaign, or A/B Testing to test different campaign variations. 3.Click “CREATE” for a Regular campaign. 4.To build an A/B testing campaign, refer to the help article. Step 2: Choose the campaign name and recipients After clicking “CREATE” under Regular, you’ll be redirected to the “Create Campaign” page where you can build new campaigns. Follow these steps to create one: Campaign Name: Name your campaign. List Name: Select the list you want to target. Segment Name: Select the segment you want to target. (Note: You must select a segment or list to send a campaign.) 4.After selecting the “List”, and “Segment,” you can see the number of unique recipients your campaign is targeting.  5.Add a tag for your campaign under “Tags” to easily segment and organize your campaigns. Step 3: Create or select a pre-built email content Under “Subject & Content,” you’ll see three options: Templates, Drag and Drop Editor, and HTML Editor. Templates: Select a pre-built template from the available list. Drag and Drop Editor: Create an email from scratch by dragging and dropping elements. (Note: You can also build an AMP email template using the elements marked.⚡) HTML Editor: Design an email template from scratch using HTML or paste your code to create it. (Note: Use the AMP Editor in the top right corner to build an AMP email template in this editor.) Step 4: Create the subject line and From address During the Email Campaign settings setup, you can customize how your email appears in your contacts’ inboxes: Subject Line: The introduction your contacts will see before opening the email. From Name: The sender name you want your email to be delivered with. From Email Name: The name is displayed when the email is opened. From Email: The email address your recipients will see in the FROM field. Ensure it looks professional and represents your business, e.g., or Reply To: Add a different reply-to email address if you want responses to go to a different inbox. Toggle “Use different reply to” and enter the email address to activate. 6.Seed List: A logic that sends a copy of the campaign to a specific list provided by the admin for reference. Step 5: Send or Schedule the campaign Before sending or scheduling your campaign, double-check all details. Send: Launch the campaign immediately.          Schedule: Set a specific time for the campaign to start, adjusted to your chosen time zone. Cancel: Click “Cancel” to discard the campaign without saving. Step 6: Manage campaigns To access the created campaign, go to Dashboard > Campaigns > Send Campaigns. There, you’ll find a list of your previously created campaigns Search for campaigns or use filters under “All.” Toggle the AMP option to filter AMP campaigns. You can pause and delete the scheduled campaign. Related articles How to Import reviews using Kasplo Reviews? How to collect product reviews using Kasplo Reviews? How to change the look and feel of your review widget? How to collect picture reviews using Kasplo Reviews? Book a meeting

Help articles

Creating and managing email templates in Kasplo

Creating and managing email templates in Kasplo In this article Step 1: Creating a template using drag and drop editor Step 2: Creating a template using editor Step 3: Managing existing templates You will learn: Learn how to create new email templates using a drag-and-drop editor or HTML template builder, and edit existing templates. Step 1: Creating a template using drag and drop editor From the dashboard, go to Campaigns > Manage Template > Create Template. Give the template a name and select “Drag & drop editor”. Click on “Content” on the left to adjust the content structure, add blocks and modules according to your needs by simply dragging and dropping them in the template. Use the elements with (⚡) to build an AMP email. 5. Click on “Appearance” to adjust alignment, size, format, compatibility, and enable or disable buttons as needed. 6. After building the template, click “Preview” at the top right corner to review the desktop and mobile compatibility of the email template. Click “Back” to return. Make any necessary changes to the template, or click “Continue” to save the template. Note: You can access saved templates in the “My Templates” section under “Manage Templates.” Step 2: Creating a template using editor From the dashboard, go to Campaigns > Manage Template > Create Template. Give the template a name and select “HTML editor”. Build your template using HTML code or paste your existing code in the “HTML EDITOR”. To create an AMP email template, select “AMP EDITOR”. Build from scratch or paste your existing code. 5.Click “Preview” at the top right corner to review the desktop and mobile compatibility of the email template. Then click “Save” to save the template. Step 3: Managing existing templates On the dashboard, go to Campaigns> Manage Template.  Here, you can view existing templates and perform actions like edit, duplicate, and delete the templates. Related articles How to Import reviews using Kasplo Reviews? How to collect product reviews using Kasplo Reviews? How to change the look and feel of your review widget? How to collect picture reviews using Kasplo Reviews? Book a meeting

Whats latest

Kasplo email marketing app is on Shopify now

Kasplo email marketing app is on Shopify now Simplifying customer communication for eCommerce stores to boost conversions. Sign up now Here’s what’s new in Kasplo’s email marketing Import & create list Import contacts from your Shopify store into Kasplo with a click. Create new lists or upload existing ones using a CSV file. Segmentation Craft personalized emails to the right person at the right time based on their user behavior like purchase history, demographics, or other specific criteria. Automation Set up and send emails triggered by user behavior and predefined workflows, providing timely and relevant communication with your customers. Drag and drop template builder Craft visually appealing email templates using simple drag-and-drop template builders. No coding skills are required. But if you love coding, you can build HTML templates as well. AMP emails Create emails that load lightning-fast on smartphones and tablets. Customers can shop provide feedback and interact directly within the email. Analytical reports Use the granular campaign performance report to make data-driven optimizations for your campaigns. Send time optimization Use audience data to automatically send emails at the times your customers are most likely to engage. See what’s new Kasplo is now on Shopify store with its new Reviews app Read More → Kasplo email marketing app is on Shopify now Read More → Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to get regular marketing news, product releases and feature updates, and much more. Subscribe

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