How to send an email using Kasplo API?
You will learn:
Learn how to set up sender and recipient information, structure your email content, and send emails using the API.
Step 1: Prepare your email content
You’ll need to structure the email content, including dynamic attributes for personalization. Here’s a basic structure for your email request:
- From: Your sender email and name
- To: Recipient email and name
- Subject: The subject line of the email
- HTML Content: The body of your email in HTML format
Example email structure
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'api-key:YOUR_API_KEY' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
--email: {
"from": "",
"fromName": "Sender Alex",
"replyTo": [],
"subject": "Hello world",
"text": "",
"html": "html>Hello,
This is my first transactional email sent from Kasplo.